Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Repair and Maintenance in Derry, NH
John Manelas
Owner & President
John Manelas is a true car enthusiast but has a passion for alternative sustainable energy and transportation. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering. Has been working on cars since a young age. Worked in the automotive field in the automation of vehicle assembly. Specialist in electric drives and motors.
Providing Expert & Honest Service For Over 35 Years
Our History
Electrified Auto Care Plus was born out of the owners passion for electric vehicles. John Manelas is an Electrical Engineer who worked in various engineering fields. His passion was working in motion control. His knowledge of electric motors and power drives comes from his work in that field. John left engineering and started an Automotive Service business that has since grown into 7 locations throughout New Hampshire and Maine. John still enjoys the technical side of business always looking for the next under served technology. He realized back in 2008 there would be a need in the near future for more in depth knowledge, training and equipment to service the Hybrid and Electric vehicles to come. Well that future is upon us now.
John has positioned his company to be able to transition to this new disruptive technology by equipping, training and teaching his staff how to service these complex machines. This takes a new kind of technician with a new set of skills.
Electrified Auto Care Plus currently reconditions, balances, removes and replaces High Voltage Hybrid and Electric vehicle batteries. The company is able to diagnose complex problems as it relates to the power inverter, electric drive motors and of course the high voltage battery.
VE Service Experts
418 Island Pond Rd
Derry, NH 03038
603 555 5555
Our Experts
Trained, equipped and extremely knowledgeable!
John Manelas
Eric Schmidt
Power Inverter, Electric Motor and R&R Specialist
Master Certified Technician
Jon Dine
Power Inverter and Electric Motor Expert
Master Certified Technician
Jason San Soucie
Power Inverter, Electric Motor and R&R Specialist
Master Certified Technician
Danny Ryan
Battery Specialist
Master Certified Technician
Happy Customers
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Joel Marshall
“Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla tellusper nulla tellus ac cursus commodo tortor mauris condimentum nibh”
Jane Doe
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Specialist and a Full Service Auto Shop!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
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